Heyo ✌️

I'm The Autist, and you have stumbled across my website, let me show you around my world real quick!

So I have gone thru some major changes recently, and I have made a page that explains what happened and how it will effect things I do going forward. I encourage you to click below and check it out.

Axyl Projects

I mentioned Axyl Project above, and people might wonder what all Axyl Projects is, and that is a good question, Axyl Projects is a Community with a mission, the mission is to 'Make FOSS doable, and to do it right'I encourage you to check out the Discord and the websites, and see it for yourself! 😎

Fighting the Corporations

What a lot of People fail to realize is the virus you have on your PC, the one that you thought you got rid of, but is really still there, yeah that one, it likely came from proprietary software owned and operated by some company who cares more about margins than its user's, well don't be afraid, Axyl Projects is here to help, read on to learn more about Axyl Projects!

Building Bridges in the Community

You know what I have noticed?The FOSS Community is extremely divided, it is diverse sure, but divided by its own diversity.I want to change that. I have been working on changing myself, and I now have a goal of redoing the communities at large, and uniting them like they should be.Join me in this pursuit, click below and find us in The Outliers Community.

😎 Autism, it's a thing man 😎

Personally, I am Autistic, and I love it, I do my best to support people with Autism, and to empower people who have Autism to take a stand and fight to help, and enable other Autists to do big things in life, but it is not a fight that I can do on my own, I need help. the button below with take you to the Autism Community website, and show you some of the things that you can do to help support individuals with Autism.

Some People who need some credit

These are some of the Amazing people that I work with on a daily basis, they deserve a lot of credit, check them out ⬇️


Good Ole Goat Man, all I need to say, co-owner of a lot of Projects I work on


co-owner of a lot of Projects I work on, good man with a Drive to learn.


Angry Trucker Man, Axyl Projects Community Manager, man with the Hammer.


nolongerofflineartist, works on Digital Assets used for Axyl Projects.


Join Us at Axyl Projects!
We are on the lookout for talented individuals in various fields, including:
Community Management
And More!
If you possess any of these skills, we invite you to join our Discord server below and open a ticket. Let us know what you do, and we’ll show you how we can collaborate and support your journey! For more information about Axyl Projects, feel free to explore our websites:Axyl Projects Site
Axyl Official Site
Axyl Bot
If you don’t have a Discord account, don’t worry! You can start by reaching out to us via email.

Contact Me 📨

Feel free to send me an Email using the form below, I am not the fastest at replying to emails, but it is a reliable way of contacting me!

© AWFixer. All rights reserved.


Thanks For Reading!
The button below is to the Axyl Projects Discord Server, hope to see you there!